This spring, Manor Equine Hospital will again be offering Wellness Plans for our patients. These plans bundle together wellness and preventive care services at a discounted rate and include wellness exams, annual vaccinations, fecal egg counts, and additional services specific to your horse’s needs. Clients wishing to purchase wellness plans should reference the plan information below and choose the level that’s most appropriate for each of their horses.
Download the details and pricing information for our Wellness Plans here:
Clients wishing to enroll their horse(s) can do so by clicking on the link below or by calling our main office at (410) 472-3545. Please be advised that Wellness Plan enrollment is permitted February 1, 2023 to November 1, 2023.
Wellness Plan Services
Wellness Examination and Consultation
The wellness exam is designed to evaluate your horse’s overall health and is one of our most valuable diagnostic tools when it comes to preventive health care. The exam includes a thorough physical, a basic ophthalmic (eye) exam, an evaluation of body condition, and a weight-tape measurement. Following the exam, your veterinarian will discuss any significant findings with you so that potential problems can be monitored, issues can be treated, and your questions and concerns can be addressed. ONE annual exam is included with each of our Wellness Plans.
Annual Vaccinations
In addition to proper management, vaccinations are one of the most important and cost-effective methods of disease prevention in horses. Your veterinarian will consult with you regarding your horse’s individual vaccination needs, but we generally make the following vaccine recommendations for adult horses. Please note that conditional vaccines are marked with a “+/-” and are not offered with all Wellness Plan levels. Please also note that if your horse travels or lives with horses that travel, they SHOULD receive Flu/Rhino.
Spring: EEE/WEE/Tetanus/WNV (4-way)
+/- Flu/Rhino (6-way)
Fall: +/- Flu/Rhino
+/- PHF
+/- Botulism
Eastern/Western Equine Encephalitis (EEE/WEE) – transmitted by mosquitoes, so ALL horses are at risk of exposure; both forms cause severe neurologic disease that is expensive to treat and very often fatal, particularly in horses who have never been vaccinated; vaccinate annually in spring to ensure protection before mosquito season; vaccination for EEE/WEE is included in all our Wellness Plans
West Nile Virus (WNV) – transmitted by mosquitoes, so ALL horses are at risk of exposure; causes severe neurologic disease that is expensive to treat and often fatal, particularly in horses who have never been vaccinated; virus is more prevalent than Eastern/Western Encephalitis and cases are occasionally seen in this geographic area; vaccinate annually in spring to ensure protection before mosquito season; vaccination for WNV is included in all of our Wellness Plans
Tetanus – transmission is most often through bacterial infection of skin wounds; Clostridium tetani bacteria are extremely common in the environment, so ALL horses are at risk; bacterial toxin causes severe neuromuscular disease that is often fatal, and horses are a particularly susceptible species; vaccinate annually in spring and booster if your horse sustains a wound more than 6 months after their most recent vaccination; vaccination for Tetanus is included in all of our Wellness Plans
Rabies – transmitted through bites from infected/rabid animals, so ALL horses are at risk of exposure; causes severe, fatal neurologic disease that is transmissible to humans; vaccinate annually in spring (or fall); please note that horses and other pets are only legally recognized as vaccinated if a licensed veterinarian administers the vaccine; vaccination for Rabies is included in all of our Wellness Plans
Potomac Horse Fever (PHF) – transmitted by water-dwelling insects, so all horses are at some risk of exposure; infection causes high fever, diarrhea, and often severe laminitis; vaccine is not 100% effective at preventing the disease but can lessen the severity of clinical signs if a horse is infected; disease originated in this geographic area and cases are seen annually; vaccinate in spring and again in early fall to ensure protection throughout the entirety of insect season; one annual vaccination for PHF is included in the Bronze Wellness Plan, and two annual vaccinations are included in our Silver and Gold Wellness Plans
Equine Influenza (Flu) – highly contagious virus transmitted from horse to horse, so any horse is at risk of exposure unless they are a part of a closed herd (closed herd = horses never leave the farm and new horses never come onto or visit the farm); animals that travel to shows are highly susceptible; virus causes fever and respiratory disease; if not a closed herd, vaccinate twice yearly in spring and fall, or more frequently if horse is traveling/showing often; vaccination for Influenza/Flu is included in our Silver and Gold Wellness Plans
Equine Herpesvirus/Rhinopneumonitis (Rhino) – highly contagious virus transmitted from horse to horse, so any horse is at risk of exposure unless they are a part of a closed herd (closed herd = horses never leave the farm and new horses never come onto or visit the farm); animals that travel to shows are highly susceptible; virus most commonly causes fever and upper respiratory disease, but it can also cause neurologic disease, or abortion in pregnant mares; if not a closed herd, vaccinate twice yearly in spring and fall, or more frequently if horse is traveling/showing often; vaccinate pregnant mares at 5, 7, and 9 months of gestation, and booster 4-6 weeks prior to due date; vaccination for Rhinopneumonitis/Rhino is included in our Silver and Gold Wellness Plans
Botulism – bacterial toxin is ingested, most often from improperly baled or stored round bales; toxin causes flaccid muscle paralysis that can affect movement, vision, and chewing/swallowing; condition is progressive and can lead to recumbency and death; vaccinate horses who are fed round bales; initial series requires vaccination followed by two boosters, then vaccinate annually in fall (prior to round bale feeding); vaccination for Botulism is not included in any of our Wellness Plans because not all horses need the vaccine but we offer it as an Add-On Service at a discounted rate.
Coggins Testing
A Coggins test is performed to identify the presence of antibodies against the Equine Infectious Anemia virus. This virus is transmitted by biting flies and can cause a severe clinical anemia. There is currently no vaccine or cure for EIA, so a negative test is required to attend most horse shows, to board at larger facilities, to travel with your horses between states, and to visit veterinary hospitals. Coggins tests are valid for one year. One annual Coggins Test is included in all of our Wellness Plans.
Fecal Egg Count Testing
Because of the development of drug-resistance in equine gastrointestinal parasites, our approach to parasite control and deworming is now more individualized and relies on fecal egg count testing. A fecal egg count gives us a better idea of an individual horse’s parasite burden and allows us to create a deworming schedule based specifically on that horse’s needs. All horses should be dewormed a minimum of twice yearly, but the need for additional deworming is determined based on fecal analysis, allowing us to avoid overuse of our anti-parasitic drugs and to discourage the development of further parasite resistance. One annual fecal egg count is included in each of our Wellness Plans, and additional fecal egg count tests are available as an Add-On Service at a discounted rate.
**To receive the full benefit of this service, please collect a fresh fecal sample to give your veterinarian at the time of your wellness appointment (1-2 fecal balls is sufficient). The sample should be placed in a Ziploc bag and should not be more than 24 hours old. If collected the night before your appointment, the sample should be refrigerated. Please label each bag with your name, your horse’s name, and the date collected.**
Dental Examination/Floating
In addition to physical examination, annual vaccinations, and parasite management, routine dental care is an essential component of your horse’s overall health care needs. All horses require dental care in some capacity, but the need for more consistent examination and treatment increases with age. Our dental services include a thorough dental examination, performed under standing sedation with an oral speculum. Based on our findings, motorized dentistry is then performed to remove any sharp enamel points and to correct common dental abnormalities such as hooks, ramps, or wave-mouth. Our examination also allows us to identify more advanced conditions such as loose teeth, fractured teeth, or periodontal disease that would require further diagnostics and treatment. A dental examination and float (with sedation) is included in our Gold Level Wellness Plan. Dentals are also offered as an Add-On Service to other plans at a discounted rate. Please note that sedation is not included with Add-On dental services.
Sheath Cleaning
If you own a stallion or gelding, sheath cleaning should be a regular part of their health care. Male horses produce a substance called smegma that helps to naturally lubricate their sheath. Over time, this smegma can build up and bind with sweat, dust, and dirt to leave your horse with a dirty, scaly sheath. The smegma can also accumulate within the urethral fossa, creating a “bean” that can put pressure on the urethral opening and interfere with normal urination. To address this buildup of smegma and grime, your horse should have his sheath cleaned as often as once or twice yearly. In coordination with a wellness visit, we would be happy to sedate your gelding or stallion, clean his sheath thoroughly, and examine his penis and sheath for any abnormal growths or ulcerations. Sheath cleaning is not included in any of our Wellness Plans because mares can’t make use of the service, but we do offer it as an Add-On Service at a discounted rate. Please note that sedation is not included in the discount sheath cleaning.
Metabolic Testing
A significant portion of horses struggle with metabolic issues at some point in their lives, particularly as they get older. Cushing’s Disease (PPID) and Equine Metabolic Syndrome are the two most common metabolic diseases seen in horses and can be associated with abnormal fat deposition, insulin dysregulation, and often laminitis. Horses don’t necessarily require annual metabolic testing, but evaluating their metabolic status is warranted when they have suspicious clinical signs (“cresty” neck, large fat deposits, shaggy haircoat, sore feet). We specifically test resting and post stimulation ACTH (TRH-stim), insulin, and leptin levels so that when diagnosed, Cushing’s and/or Equine Metabolic Syndrome can be treated, helping to resolve clinical signs and prevent laminitis flares. TRH-Stim/Insulin/Leptin testing is not included in any of our Wellness Plans because not all horses need to be tested, but we do offer it as an Add-On Service at a discounted rate.
Wellness Bloodwork Panel
The wellness panel is a routine screening that includes a complete blood count, serum chemistry, and fibrinogen. While annual bloodwork is not strictly necessary all horses, this panel is included in our Add-On Services to allow for routine monitoring, particularly in our older patients who may be struggling with chronic illness, weight loss, etc. The Wellness Bloodwork Panel is not included in any of our Wellness Plans because not all horses need to be tested, but we do offer it as an Add-On Service at a discounted rate.